Georgia Archives

University System of Georgia

State Agency Specific Retention Schedules

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Transportation, Department of

Total entries: 83   (Listed alphabetically by title)

0484-25-001 | Highway Project Files - State/Federal Funds

Description:  Documents relating to coordinating the approval and funding of projects under the Construction Work Program. These records contain project allotment files which include allotment notice sheets and documents of authority approving requests.

Retention:  3 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-23-002 | Highway Project Railroad & Utility Agreement

Description:  Documents relating to agreements between railroads or utilities and the department

Retention:  Permanent

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-26-002 | Intermodal Airport Aid Program Project Files with Federal Funding

Description:  Records relating to development of and/or planning of individual airport or area-wide airport system plans. Capital construction projects, includes contract documents, supplemental agreements, project descriptions and requirements, budgets, records pertaining to property acquisitions, and project closeout documents.

Retention:  20 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

00484-26-001 | Intermodal Airport Aid Program Project Files with State Funding

Description:  Records relating to airport planning and construction projects that are not federally funded; includes contract documents, supplemental agreements, project descriptions and requirements, budgets, project closeout documents, and correspondence relating to the project.

Retention:  7 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-13-001 | Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant (LMIG) Files, Quick Response Files, Off System Safety Files, Lcoal Grants Reference Files

Description:  Documents relating to the construction of county or city roads. The State administers the funds to counties or cities. The cities and counties are responsible for the construction of the roads. Records type include correspondence, reports, contracts, agreements, estimates, funding, payment documents, etc.

Retention:  7 years, then incorporate into Highway Project Files

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-27-001 | Maintenance Engineer’s Subject Files

Description:  Documents include correspondence and reports concerning the activities of the Office of Maintenance

Retention:  5 years and until all audits are completed and all questions are resolved.

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-27-002 | Maintenance Inspection Forms

Description:  Daytime and nighttime inspection of roads and their rights of way. Reports/data is maintained electronically in Georgia Asset Management System (GAMS).

Retention:  3 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-27-003 | Maintenance Management System

Description:  This system contains all data and reports used to report maintenance activities performed by GDOT maintenance forces, as it pertains to state and federal highway systems' maintenance; including during declared emergencies.

Retention:  3 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-27-004 | Maintenance Materials Inventory - District/Area

Description:  Provides inventory control of maintenance materials.

Retention:  3 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-11-001 | Maps, Highway

Description:  Road and highway maps maintained and distributed by the department.

Retention:  Permanent

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-14-002 | Materials Audit and Certification Files (Sealed Contract)

Description:  Documents relating to the construction of projects financed by Federal- Aid.

Retention:  20 years after project closeout

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-14-001 | Materials Audit and Certification Files (Simple Written Contract)

Description:  Documents relating to the construction of projects financed by State-Aid and Local Funds.

Retention:  7 years upon receipt of final acceptance letter

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-21-001 | Motor Vehicle Accident Report Reference Files

Description:  Documents related to accidents on th state's highways that are used for analysis of road design, vehicular/pedestrian traffic control, location of utility lines, or highway maintenance.

Retention:  11 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-24-002 | Motor Vehicle Inventory Records

Description:  Maintaining inventory control and maintenance data on motor vehicles owned by the Department.

Retention:  10 years after vehicle is sold or retired.

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-18-001 | Multi-Project Scheduling System 〈MP/SS〉 Files

Description:  Documents relating to the maintenance of the MP/SS and Critical Path Method (CPM).

Retention:  3 years

0484-18-002A and 0484-18-002B | Multi-Project Scheduling System Summary Files (MP/SS Project Summary)

Description:  Document relating to the summarizing of pre-construction status of all DOT projects. Printouts that indicate the projects, their status and the date of the last pre-construction activity. Pre-construction activities are recorded in Tpro and maintained. Let status monthly updates until the project is let to construction, then updates stop.

Retention:  (0484-18-002A) Office Copy: 3 years; (0484-18-002B) Field Copy: Retain until superseded.

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-21-002A and 0484-21-002B | Oversize/Overweight Vehicle Enforcement Results File

Description:  Documents relating to the enforcement of compliance and regulations for the movement of vehicles on the State highway system. Includes Daily/Weekly/Annual reports.

Retention:  (0484-21-002A) Annual Reports: 5 years; (0484-21-002B) Daily and Weekly Reports: 1 year.

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-21-004 | Oversize/Overweight Vehicle Permit Escrow Account File

Description:  Documents relating to the issuance of permits on a credit basis.

Retention:  4 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-21-003 | Oversize/Overweight Vehicle Permit File

Description:  Documents relating to the enforcement of compliance and regulations for the movement of vehicles on the State highway system. Includes trip and annual permits.

Retention:  5 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-29-002 | Oversize/Overweight Vehicle Permit File

Description:  Documents relating to accounting for monies collected as fees for overweight/oversize vehicle permits.

Retention:  7 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-05-001B | Pre-qualification of Contractors File - Applications for Pre-qualification and Contractor’s Past Performance Report

Description:  Documents relating to the pre-qualification of contractors for bidding on and sub-contracting work performed on State highway construction projects.

Retention:  3 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-05-001A | Pre-qualification of Contractors File - Certificate of Qualification or Registration and Contractor’s Rating Sheet

Description:  Documents relating to the pre-qualification of contractors for bidding on and sub-contracting work performed on State highway construction projects.

Retention:  10 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-05-001C | Pre-qualification of Contractors File - Certification of Contractor’s Current Capactiy and Status of Contracts on Hand

Description:  Documents relating to the pre-qualification of contractors for bidding on and sub-contracting work performed on State highway construction projects.

Retention:  Until project is finalized.

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-28-001A and 0484-28-001B | Project Schedule Template

Description:  The project schedule template is an integral part of the Planned Development Process (PDP). Lists all project activities, indicates all predecessors and successors along with duration for the Preconstruction phase.

Retention:  (0484-28-001A) Project Schedules: Retain in office; and (0484-28-001B) All other documents: 3 years after final payment or audit, whichever is longer

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-04-001 | Project Status Report File

Description:  Documents relating to the weekly progress of contractors on construction projects

Retention:  4 years.

Updated:  April 05, 2017

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