Georgia Archives

University System of Georgia

State Agency Specific Retention Schedules

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Human Services, Department of

Total entries: 328   (Listed alphabetically by title)

0427-0001 | Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program Files


Retention:  5 years

1976-0236 | Budget (DHR Federal Funds) Files

Description:  Preparing and submitting to DHEW Federal operating budgets and expenditure projection reports for the various titles of the Social Security Act.

Retention:  5 years

1975-0240A | Budget (DHR Statewide) Files

Description:  Planning, coordinating, reviewing, and approving operating budgets for institutions and divisions of DHR; including hospitals.

Retention:  Budget Offices: 4 years. Section and Unit Offices: 2 years.

1979-0141 | Budget Administration Director’s Office Subject Files

Description:  All areas of responsibility and interest to the Director of the Office of Budget Administration, State-wide.

Retention:  5 years

1979-0042A | Canceled Check Files


Retention:  Paper: Authorize banks to hold for 90 days (until microfilm verified). Microfilm (Record copy): 5 years, (Duplicate): Retain until audit/program questions resolved.

1976-0241 | Central Supply Requisition Files

Description:  Processing orders (by mail) for supplies, forms, and drugs to county physicians, hospitals, and pharmacies; and for County Health Departments, Vocational Rehabilitation, Family & Children Services, and all other county offices.

Retention:  Record (Central Supply) copy: 3 years. Other copies: Until receipt of all items requested.

1977-0083 | Child Abuse Report Files

Description:  The receipt and tabulation of Child Abuse Reports.

Retention:  Ruled Out Cases: 3 years. Confirmed, Suspected, Undetermined Cases: 10 years.

1977-0467 | Child Caring Institution Licensing Files (Active Files)


Retention:  Years ending in 0: Permanent. All other years: 3 years.

1977-0467 | Child Caring Institution Licensing Files (Facility License Terminated)


Retention:  See original retention documentation for instructions

0427-0017 | Child Client Health Records

Description:  Records pertaining to clients younger than 18 years of age

Retention:  10 years after client reaches age of majority (18 in Georgia) or 28 calendar years from date of last service

1976-0120A | Child Development Financial and Budget Files

Description:  Monitoring contracted organizations for determining compliance with Title XX regulations.

Retention:  6 years

1975-0010A | Child Development Title XX (Title 20) Program Files

Description:  Administering the Title XX Programs throughout Georgia.

Retention:  Years ending in 1 or 6: Transfer to State Archives for permanent retention. All other years: 6 years.

1977-0470 | Child Group Homes Licensing Files (Active Files)


Retention:  Years ending in 4: Permanent. All other years: 3 years.

1977-0470 | Child Group Homes Licensing Files (Facility License Terminated)


Retention:  See original retention documentation for instructions

1977-0465 | Child Placing Agency Licensing Files (Active Files)


Retention:  Years ending in 9: Permanent. All other years: 2 years.

1977-0465 | Child Placing Agency Licensing Files (Facility License Terminated)


Retention:  See original retention documentation for instructions

1979-0164 | Child Support Absent Parent AFDC Locator Files (Child Support Recovery Unit: Located Parent File)


Retention:  Cut off at end of each 6 months then destroy

1979-0164 | Child Support Absent Parent AFDC Locator Files (Child Support Recovery Unit: Unlocated Parent File)


Retention:  Return Form 5721 to county from which received after determination that parent cannot be located

1979-0164 | Child Support Absent Parent AFDC Locator Files (County Offices)


Retention:  Follow procedure in DFACS Handbook

1979-0165 | Child Support Absent Parent Non-AFDC Locator Files

Description:  Locating deserting parent (s) of children not receiving public assistance.

Retention:  10 years after case is closed

1974-0369 | Child Support Payment Receipt Files


Retention:  18 months or until State audit is comleted, whichever is earlier

1979-0167 | Child Support Proof of Paternity and Agreement to Pay Files

Description:  Establishing paternity of child(ren) of absent parent and obtaining, from that absent parent, agreement to pay child support.

Retention:  Retain until end of calendar year in which child attains age of 18. See original documentation for detailed instructions.

1979-0168 | Child Support Recovery Budget and Contract Report Files

Description:  Contracting the services of District Attorneys, Statewide, to assist DHR in establishing paternity and for securing support for minor needy children from their parents or other legally responsible persons.

Retention:  Contracts Management (Record copy): 6 years. DA's copy: same as Child Support Recovery Unit.

1973-0377 | Child Welfare Files

Description:  The administration of child welfare papers.

Retention:  5 years

0427-0019 | Children’s High-Risk Screening and Case Management Records (Babies Can’t Wait, Children First)

Description:  All documents relating to health services provided to Babies Can't Wait and Children First clients.

Retention:  5 years from date of last service; for Children First, 5 years from the child's exit from the program or 5th birthday

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