Georgia Archives

University System of Georgia

State Agency Specific Retention Schedules

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Georgia Regional Transportation Authority   [ Total entries: 12 ]

0976-0011 | Adopted Guidelines for Access Management

Description:  The Land Use Program focuses on the role of land use and regional development goals in the transportation project selection process. These records document the guidelines issued by the Land Use Program and provide requirements for the placement of driveways, traffic barriers, and access points into public and private developments.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

0976-0009 | Adopted Guidelines for Land Use in Relation to Transportation Investments

Description:  GRTA in achieving its mandate seeks to identify incentives and best practices for linking land use and transportation. The Land Use Program focuses on the role of land use and regional development goals in the transportation project selection process. These records document the guidelines issued by the Land Use Program and provide requirements for compliance with traffic and transit regulation.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

0976-0006 | Adopted Policy and Guidelines for Developments of Regional Impact (DRIs)

Description:  GRTA reviews Developments of Regional Impact (DRIs) for their impact on the region's transportation network and identifies ways to reduce any negative impacts. These records document the board approved policy and guidelines outlining requirements for the DRI program.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

0976-0003 | Agency Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) and Supporting Documentation

Description:  MOUs between GRTA and various agencies for transportation studies, reports, and other projects. Records include MOUs, meeting notes, and presentations.

Retention:  5 years after expiration of MOU

Vital Record:  FALSE

0976-0010 | Annual Air Quality Reports

Description:  Using information gathered from the Environmental Protection Division of the Georgia Dept. of Natural Resources (EDP), the Georgia Dept. of Transportation (GDOT), the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC), and other partners, GRTA evaluates and issues the annual air quality report as a benchmark of air quality in the thirteen-county region.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

0976-0005 | Annual Transportation MAP (Metropolitan Atlanta Performance) Reports

Description:  An annual report on the region's progress toward improved Mobility, Transit Accessiblity, Air Quality, and Safety.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

0976-0007 | Developments of Regional Impact (DRI) Review Files

Description:  Per O.C.G.A. 50-32-14, GRTA is required to review public and private developments having regional impact on traffic within the thirteen counties under its jurisdiction. These records document the review of projects having regional impact. Note: includes each individual DRI review submittal (including site plan), original review package, amendments or revisions to the submission, correspondence, technical references, and meeting notes.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

0976-0008 | Developments of Regional Impact (DRI) Tracking and Compliance Files

Description:  Per O.C.G.A. 50-32-14, GRTA is required to review public and private developments having regional impact on traffic within the thirteen counties under its jurisdiction. These records document regulatory compliance for each individual DRI project. Note: includes enforcement documents, correspondence, and board actions on enforcement.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

0976-0004 | GRTA Strategic Plans

Description:  Annual strategic plans and supporting documents. Records include the strategic plan, division quarterly reporting, project schedules, and work plans.

Retention:  Strategic Planning Documents: 3 years. Final Report: Permanent. Where no final report exists, annual plan and quarterly reports are Permanent.

Vital Record:  FALSE

0976-0002 | Interagency Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) Between Transportation Agencies

Description:  Overarching MOU between GRTA, the Georgia Department of Transportation, and the Atlanta Regional Council (ARC) outlining the four key elements in transportation planning for the Atlanta-metro region for a defined period of time

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

0976-0012 | Northwest Corridor (I-75/I-575 HOV/BRT) Study

Description:  The Northwest Corridor Project is an innovative project utlizing the collaborative resources of two key state agencies - GDOT and GRTA. The two agencies have combined their own individual projects, the I-75/I-575 HOV Lanes Extension Project and the Northwest Connectivity Study, as a means to efficiently move through the federall required environmental process and expedite implementation. As part of this joint endeavor, GRTA completed a study of the overall project - evaluating potential environmental impact, public opinion, and traffic/transit impacts.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

0976-0001 | Transportation Improvement Projects (TIP) and Regional Transportation Projects (RTP) Strategic Iniat

Description:  To fulfill its strategic planning directive, GRTA issues guidelines and project priorities for the use of the thirteen-county region. These guidelines provide details on schedling and prioritization requirements.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

Georgia Archives, 5800 Jonesboro Road, Morrow, GA  30260