Georgia Archives

University System of Georgia

State Agency Specific Retention Schedules

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Human Services, Department of   [ Total entries: 328 ]

1973-0214 | Abnormal Hemoglobin Test Report File


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0496A | Absent Parent Locator/Recovery Files

Description:  Locating absent parents of children receiving Public Assistance and to collecting child support monies from such parents.

Retention:  Unlocated parent: Retain until determination that parent cannot be located. Located parent: 1 year after child's eligibility for public assistance is terminated.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0166A | Accounting Records for Child Support Enforcement

Description:  Collecting payments from deserting parents for support of their child(ren), who receive public assistance; and distributing those funds to the proper authorities.

Retention:  See original documentation

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0016 | Adult Client Health Records

Description:  Records pertaining to clients older than 18 years of age

Retention:  10 years from date of last service

Vital Record:  FALSE

1986-0085M | Adverse Actions and Other Disciplinary Action Files

Description:  Recording disciplinary and adverse actions taken against DHR employees.

Retention:  5 years after case is completed and no further action anticipated.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0432A | Alcohol and Drug Abuse Client and Program Medical Records File

Description:  Maintaining a weekly report of patient activity for all patients receiving treatment from the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program.

Retention:  Record Copy: 2.5 years. Reference Copy: 1 year.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0433A | Alcohol and Drug Abuse Client Outpatient Case Record File

Description:  Treating alcohol and drug abuse clients/outpatients in the alcohol and drug treatment centers.

Retention:  35 years after all records are found to be in order at the treatment center to which client was referred

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0218 | Alcohol Receipt and Distribution File


Retention:  3 years

Legal Citation:  CFR Title 26, Section 213, p. 175

Vital Record:  FALSE

1994-0028 | Annual Equipment Inventory Files


Retention:  Material Management Section: 5 years. Other offices: Retain until no longer needed for audit or administration.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0064 | Annual Retirement Totals Reports (PAC-6008)

Description:  Balancing salary and retirement contribution totals on computer tape with the summary totals for the year.

Retention:  4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0111 | Appalachian Health and Child Development Finance and Budget Monitoring Files

Description:  Monitoring contracted organizations to determine compliance with Appalachian Regional Development Act regulations.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1986-0086 | Applicant/Employee Criminal Records Check Files

Description:  Researching and recording criminal history of applicants and employees in classes of positions or designated positions within classes with direct care/treatment/custody responsibilities for DHR clients.

Retention:  Record and Reference copies: 4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0142 | Approval of Service Provider for Foster Care/Day Care Files

Description:  Approving service providers for foster care/day care.

Retention:  See original documentation.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0188 | Approved Medicaid Hospital Claims Files

Description:  Requests to the Medical Care Foundation from hospitals for payment by the Department for services provided to patients who were required to remain in hospitals for a longer period of time than the normal limits established by the Department.

Retention:  4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0044 | Audit Adjustment Reports


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1983-0830 | Audits Performed by Internal Staff Files

Description:  Auditing, by Office of Audits staff, to determine accuracy of funds collected and expended for respective DHR programs in Georgia counties State-wide.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1983-0831 | Audits Performed by Outside Agencies Files

Description:  Auditing (by outside agencies - other than DHR Office of Audits staff) DHR units and programs which may be: a financial unit to determine financial accountability, or a performance audit to determine operation efficiency and effectiveness.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0143 | Authorization of Foster Care Case Files

Description:  Reviewing forms, received from counties State-wide, concerned with authorizing foster care for children who need this service.

Retention:  Accounting, District/County Offices: 3 years or until audit questions have been resolved. Monthly prinout: Retain for useful life.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0215 | Bacteriology Test Report File


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0230 | Bank Deposit Slip/Bank Statement/Account Reconciliation Files

Description:  Monitoring bank accounts.

Retention:  5 years or until unresolved claims/audits are resolved, whichever is longer

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0004 | Blind Vending Stand Equipment Files

Description:  Business enterprise for the blind and severely handicapped of the state.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0449 | Blind Workers’ Personnel Case Files

Description:  Maintaining individual personnel records for each blind worker employed at State facilities.

Retention:  50 years after termination of employment

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0213 | Blood Sugar Determination Test Report File


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0152 | Board of Family and Children Services County Member Appointment Files

Description:  Appointments to County Boards of Departments of Family and Children Services.

Retention:  Record copy: Permanent. District offices: See original documentation for retention.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0151 | Board of Health County Member Appointment Files

Description:  Appointments, by County Grand Jury, of members to the County Board of Health.

Retention:  Record copy of Register: Permanent. Papers and District offices: See original documentation for retention.

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0001 | Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program Files


Retention:  5 years

1976-0236 | Budget (DHR Federal Funds) Files

Description:  Preparing and submitting to DHEW Federal operating budgets and expenditure projection reports for the various titles of the Social Security Act.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0240A | Budget (DHR Statewide) Files

Description:  Planning, coordinating, reviewing, and approving operating budgets for institutions and divisions of DHR; including hospitals.

Retention:  Budget Offices: 4 years. Section and Unit Offices: 2 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0141 | Budget Administration Director’s Office Subject Files

Description:  All areas of responsibility and interest to the Director of the Office of Budget Administration, State-wide.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0042A | Canceled Check Files


Retention:  Paper: Authorize banks to hold for 90 days (until microfilm verified). Microfilm (Record copy): 5 years, (Duplicate): Retain until audit/program questions resolved.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0241 | Central Supply Requisition Files

Description:  Processing orders (by mail) for supplies, forms, and drugs to county physicians, hospitals, and pharmacies; and for County Health Departments, Vocational Rehabilitation, Family & Children Services, and all other county offices.

Retention:  Record (Central Supply) copy: 3 years. Other copies: Until receipt of all items requested.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0083 | Child Abuse Report Files

Description:  The receipt and tabulation of Child Abuse Reports.

Retention:  Ruled Out Cases: 3 years. Confirmed, Suspected, Undetermined Cases: 10 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0467 | Child Caring Institution Licensing Files (Active Files)


Retention:  Years ending in 0: Permanent. All other years: 3 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0467 | Child Caring Institution Licensing Files (Facility License Terminated)


Retention:  See original retention documentation for instructions

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0017 | Child Client Health Records

Description:  Records pertaining to clients younger than 18 years of age

Retention:  10 years after client reaches age of majority (18 in Georgia) or 28 calendar years from date of last service

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0120A | Child Development Financial and Budget Files

Description:  Monitoring contracted organizations for determining compliance with Title XX regulations.

Retention:  6 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0010A | Child Development Title XX (Title 20) Program Files

Description:  Administering the Title XX Programs throughout Georgia.

Retention:  Years ending in 1 or 6: Transfer to State Archives for permanent retention. All other years: 6 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0470 | Child Group Homes Licensing Files (Active Files)


Retention:  Years ending in 4: Permanent. All other years: 3 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0470 | Child Group Homes Licensing Files (Facility License Terminated)


Retention:  See original retention documentation for instructions

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0465 | Child Placing Agency Licensing Files (Active Files)


Retention:  Years ending in 9: Permanent. All other years: 2 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0465 | Child Placing Agency Licensing Files (Facility License Terminated)


Retention:  See original retention documentation for instructions

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0164 | Child Support Absent Parent AFDC Locator Files (Child Support Recovery Unit: Located Parent File)


Retention:  Cut off at end of each 6 months then destroy

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0164 | Child Support Absent Parent AFDC Locator Files (Child Support Recovery Unit: Unlocated Parent File)


Retention:  Return Form 5721 to county from which received after determination that parent cannot be located

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0164 | Child Support Absent Parent AFDC Locator Files (County Offices)


Retention:  Follow procedure in DFACS Handbook

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0165 | Child Support Absent Parent Non-AFDC Locator Files

Description:  Locating deserting parent (s) of children not receiving public assistance.

Retention:  10 years after case is closed

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0369 | Child Support Payment Receipt Files


Retention:  18 months or until State audit is comleted, whichever is earlier

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0167 | Child Support Proof of Paternity and Agreement to Pay Files

Description:  Establishing paternity of child(ren) of absent parent and obtaining, from that absent parent, agreement to pay child support.

Retention:  Retain until end of calendar year in which child attains age of 18. See original documentation for detailed instructions.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0168 | Child Support Recovery Budget and Contract Report Files

Description:  Contracting the services of District Attorneys, Statewide, to assist DHR in establishing paternity and for securing support for minor needy children from their parents or other legally responsible persons.

Retention:  Contracts Management (Record copy): 6 years. DA's copy: same as Child Support Recovery Unit.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0377 | Child Welfare Files

Description:  The administration of child welfare papers.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0019 | Children’s High-Risk Screening and Case Management Records (Babies Can’t Wait, Children First)

Description:  All documents relating to health services provided to Babies Can't Wait and Children First clients.

Retention:  5 years from date of last service; for Children First, 5 years from the child's exit from the program or 5th birthday

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0018 | Children’s Medical Services Health Records

Description:  All health records pertaining to clients seen by Children's Medical Services.

Retention:  6 years after client reaches age of majority (21 years per Medicaid)

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0009 | Children’s Medical Services State-Wide Patient Record Case Files


Retention:  Retain until age 18

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0171 | Civil Action Litigation Files


Retention:  3 years after case is closed.

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0007 | Client Service Records


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0237A | Client Services Discrimination Complaints Against Department and Service Providers

Description:  Investigations of complaints against DHR and its service providers by clients. (Civil Rights Act, 1964)

Retention:  15 years after disposition of charge or action

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0336A | Closed Adoption Case Files

Description:  Investigating, evaluating and planning for children and families who are involved in the adoption process.

Retention:  Permanent

Legal Citation:  OCGA 19-8-18

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0295 | Complaint and Disposition Investigation Files


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0319 | Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) Work Experience Client Case Files

Description:  Maintaining records concerning enrollment and termination of individuals participating in the work experience program.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0121 | Consultant Data Files


Retention:  3 years after termination of emloyment

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0267A | Contract Activities Report Files

Description:  Procurement of services by contracting various parties to perform specific operational functions for DHR Division Services.

Retention:  6 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0399A | Contract Audit Report Files (Titles III, IV-A, IV-D, V, VI, VII, XVI, XX)


Retention:  Record copy: 5 years after audit questions resolved. Non-record copies: 2 years after audit questions resolved.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1997-0045 | Contract Files

Description:  Grants to local organizations for the development of innovative and effective child care programs.

Retention:  4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0043 | Contract Management Transactions Files



Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0306 | Copyright Authorization Files

Description:  Copyright use of materials.

Retention:  10 years after expiration of authorization

Vital Record:  FALSE

1997-0046 | Council Business Files

Description:  Grants to local organizations for the development of innovative and effective child care programs.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0545 | County Certified Payroll Deductions File

Description:  Changing, recording and verifying county payroll deductions.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0478 | County Correspondence File


Retention:  3 years or until resolution of audit, whichever is longer

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0005 | County Department of Family and Children Service Annual Report Files

Description:  The tabulation and computation of the number of public assistance cases within a county.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0004 | County Health Client Immunization Files


Retention:  100 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0015 | County Health Department Lab Test Reports


Retention:  Recorded on master index: retain for useful life; not recorded: retain for 2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0014 | County Health Department Master Index Clinic Record


Retention:  20 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0006 | County Health Department Pregnancy-Related Services Files


Retention:  6 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0398A | County Health Department, Health District, and Mental Health Catchment Area Report Files

Description:  Auditing State-allocated funds expended by County Health Departments, Health Districts, and Mental Health Catchment areas.

Retention:  Record copy: 5 years after audit questions resolved. Non-record copies: 2 years after audit questions resolved.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0279 | Court Services Case Load Files

Description:  The number of cases a Court Service Worker has assigned to him

Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0087 | Crisis Intervention Application Files

Description:  Paying utility bills for eligible clients.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0490 | Cuban Refugee Assistance Files

Description:  The administration of monthly Assistance Payments to Cuban Refugees.

Retention:  Social History file: Permanent. Financial Files: 5 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0169A | Data Questionnaire - Joint Hospital Statistics Files

Description:  Collecting statistical information for use in hospital care health planning and resource development in Georgia.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0206 | Deceased and Old Age Assistance Files

Description:  Dead and Old Age Assistance Cases.

Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1980-0214 | DFACS Public Assistance Correspondence Files

Description:  Receiving and answering requests for information concerning the Public Assistance Program in Georgia.

Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0221 | DFCS Zero Base Budget Projection, Analysis, and Estimates Files

Description:  Projecting, analyzing, and estimating the annual budget for the Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS).

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1983-0855 | DFSC Self Assessment Document (Total County Review)

Description:  Recording and analyzing county DFCS offices performance and effectiveness.

Retention:  Every fourth year (beginning FY80): Permanent. All others: 5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1986-0073M | DHR Complaint Procedure File

Description:  Documents relating to recording complaints filed by employees under the DHR Employee Complaint Procedure.

Retention:  Central Office: 5 years after final decision is received and no appeal is pending. Other offices: 1 year after final decision and no appeal is pending

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0173 | DHR Proposed Legislation Reference Files


Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0495 | Disability and Supplemental Security Income Determination Files

Description:  The determination of degree of disability and/or eligibility for supplemental security income payments under Titles II and XVI of the Social Security Act.

Retention:  18 months after case is closed.

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0027 | Division of Family and Children Services Foster Care Child Records

Description:  Records of children placed in DFCS foster care

Retention:  Retain until child reaches 23 years of age

Legal Citation:  DFCS Social Service Policy Manual, Chapter 70.5, Foster Care Records Management and Retention Section

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0309 | Duplicating and Photo-reproduction Job Control Files

Description:  Control of jobs performed by commercial State contractors, commercial printing plants or photo shops.

Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0216 | Emergency Medical Technician-Ambulance Case Files

Description:  Maintaining case files for individuals certified as Emergency Medical Technicians-ambulance.

Retention:  1 year after termination of EMT-A Certification

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0255 | Emergency Planning Files

Description:  Maintaining emergency plans in DHR Institutions containing provisions for emergency relief and continuity of operations in cases of major disasters, i.e. fire; storms (tornados, hurricanes, severe wind storms, earthquakes); explosion (electrical, steam, fuel or natural gas, nuclear); bomb threats.

Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  TRUE

1975-0254 | Emergency Planning Test and Exercise Report Files

Description:  Maintaining various reports of tests and exercises performed to evaluate Emergency Plans developed for emergency situations at DHR Institutions.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0065M | Employee Salary Garnishment Record File

Description:  Documents relating to maintaining a record of employee wage garnishment.

Retention:  4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0003 | Energy Assistance Application Files

Description:  Processing applications (from residents of Georgia) for financial help with home energy costs through Federal grants.

Retention:  Energy Assistance Office/County Offices: 3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0294 | Environmental Impact Statement File 〈Copies submitted to Human Services for review〉


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0345 | Epidemiology Data Study File

Description:  The collection of raw data to be compiled and analyzed over a period of time.

Retention:  Retain until completion of raw data

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0101 | EPSDT (Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment) Client Appointment Files

Description:  Scheduling appointments at County Health Departments for children eligible for Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (ESPDT).

Retention:  See original retention documentation

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0239A | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Office of Fair Employment Practices (OFEP), DHR Equa

Description:  Investigating employee/applicant grievances concerning employment.

Retention:  5 years after final disposition of charge or action.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1990-0010 | Equipment Status Change File

Description:  Request for an equipment status change, i.e. : surplus, destruction, theft or loss.

Retention:  Consult Archives

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0229 | Expenditure Voucher Files

Description:  Documenting agency expenditures for goods, equipment and services.

Retention:  5 years or until audit/unresolved claims resolved, whichever is longer

Vital Record:  FALSE

1985-0056 | Facilities Criminal Records Check Application Files

Description:  Researching and recording the criminal history of directors and employees of all types of Child Care Facilities and Personal Care Homes.

Retention:  7 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0344 | Fair Hearing Case Record Files

Description:  Documents relating to processing, conducting, and decision making on all programmatic and administrative areas of the Department where hearings are required.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0395A | Family and Children Services County and Food Stamp Audit Report Files

Description:  auditing State-allocated funds expended by Family and Children Services County Food Stamp Programs.

Retention:  Record copy: 5 years after audit questions resolved. Non-record copies: 2 years after audit questions resolved.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0468 | Family Day Care Home Registration Licensing Files (Facility License Terminated)


Retention:  See original retention documentation for instructions

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0468 | Family Day Care Home Registration Licensing Files (Active Files)


Retention:  Years ending in 9: Permanent. All other years: 3 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0011 | Family Planning Program Patient Consent for Sterilization Files


Retention:  50 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0012 | Family Planning Visitation Client Case Files


Retention:  10 years from date of last service

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0461 | Field Representative’s Field Report Files

Description:  Visits of Field Representatives to County Departments of Family and Children Services.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0237 | Finished Products Reports Files

Description:  Manufacturing brooms, mops and mattresses at Georgia Factory for the Blind.

Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0074 | Fire Activities Statistical Reporting Files


Retention:  9 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0075 | Fire Desk Files


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0072 | Fire Prevention Reporting Files


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0076 | Fire Services Locator Index Files


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0073 | Fire Training Reporting Files


Retention:  Building evacuation plans: Retain until superseded. All other files: 3 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1980-0001ff | Fiscal Accounting and Control System 〈FACS〉 Files

Description:  Schedules 1980-0001 through 1980-0209. List of 209 reports with various retention periods. See original documentation.

Retention:  See original documentation

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0211 | Food Microbiology Test Report File


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0285 | Food Service Application Files


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0282 | Food Service Permits File


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0283 | Food Service Permits File, Consolidated Listing (Computer printout)


Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0284 | Food Service Permits File, Consolidated Listing (Computer tape)


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0110 | Food Stamp Administrative Files

Description:  Administering the Food Stamp program in the State of Georgia.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0111 | Food Stamp Court Case Files

Description:  Court suits filed against various State agencies and/or United States Department of Agriculture personnel, to include the State of Georgia Food Officer.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0113 | Food Stamp Credit for Lost Benefits Monthly Report Files

Description:  Administering the program to restore food stamp benefits which had been lost.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0114 | Food Stamp Efficiency and Effectiveness Report Files

Description:  Surveying and evaluating, State-wide, the efficiency and effectiveness of the Food Stamp Program in Georgia.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0264A | Food Stamp Eligibility Review Files

Description:  Validation by State authorities of County action in determining recipient eligibility for food stamps as required by Federal Regulation.

Retention:  Files covering fiscal years ending in 3 or 8 (one cubic foot selected at random): Permanent. All other files: 3 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0148 | Food Stamp Individual County Department Files

Description:  Administering the Food Stamp program in the State of Georgia.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0115 | Food Stamp Issuance Files

Description:  Issuing coupons in Georgia for the Food Stamp Program (Food Stamp Act of 1964).

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0149 | Food Stamp Outreach Program Files

Description:  Administering the Food Stamp Outreach Program in Georgia.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0230 | Food Stamp Program Federal Audit Files

Description:  Maintaining records for the Federal audit of books and records for County Food Stamp Programs State-wide.

Retention:  5 years or until audit quesitons have been resolved, whichever is longer.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0231 | Food Stamp Program Internal Audit Files

Description:  Maintaining records of the internal audit of books and records for County Food Stamp Programs State-wide.

Retention:  Years ending in 1 or 6: Transfer to State Archives. All other years: 5 years or until audit quesitons have been resolved, whichever is longer.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0112 | Food Stamp/Coupon Accountability Report Files

Description:  Issuing food stamp books and collecting and depositing funds collected for the State.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0300 | Forms Management Survey Files

Description:  Staff visits and surveys conducted to provide advice and assistance, and to evaluate the effectiveness of forms management operations and programs.

Retention:  1 year or until another survey is made

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0268 | Fraud Investigation Correspondence Files

Description:  Maintaining requests for the original copy of a cancelled public assistance check from agencies involved in the investigation of forged endorsement of check.

Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0045 | General Journal Files


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1983-0871 | Georgia Child Welfare Information System 〈GCWIS〉 Transaction Register

Description:  Recording daily data transactions of the Georgia Child Welfare Information System.

Retention:  4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0212 | Gonorrhea Culture Test Report File


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0236 | Government Shipments Records Files

Description:  Shipping products ordered by the United States Government.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0080 | Grant Project Payroll Files

Description:  Payment of payrolls for construction of health facilities.

Retention:  Return to contractor 3 years after end of construction project

Vital Record:  FALSE

1997-0047 | Grant Proposal Application Files

Description:  Files document that grants are awarded in a fair and impartial manner.

Retention:  4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0157A | Grants to Counties Budget Submission Files


Retention:  5 years or until audit questions are resolved, whichever is longer.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0469 | Group Day Care Center Licensing Files (Active Files)


Retention:  Years ending in 3: Permanent. All other years: 3 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0469 | Group Day Care Center Licensing Files (Facility License Terminated)


Retention:  See original retention documentation for instructions

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0376 | Hospital Security Services Files (Firearms Registration Files)


Retention:  1 year after registration terminated

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0376 | Hospital Security Services Files (Investigation Reporting Files)


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0376 | Hospital Security Services Files (Police Desk Files)


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0376 | Hospital Security Services Files (Police Desk Reference Files)


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0376 | Hospital Security Services Files (Private Vehicle Registration Files)


Retention:  Retain until termination of employment, permit is superseded, or permit is revoked

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0376 | Hospital Security Services Files (Property Receipt Files)


Retention:  2 years after return or release of property

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0376 | Hospital Security Services Files (Security Activities Reporting Files)


Retention:  See instructions

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0376 | Hospital Security Services Files (Traffic Law Enforcement Files)


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1980-0369 | Human Research Review Board Project Files


Retention:  5 years after completion of project

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0022 | Immunization Consent Records

Description:  Includes only consent forms for immunization

Retention:  5 years from date of last service

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0021 | Immunization Records (Post-1996)

Description:  Includes, but is not limited to recording of date of immunizations and associated clinical information in electronic system (GRITS)

Retention:  6 years after client's death

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0021 | Immunization Records (Pre-1996)

Description:  Paper immunization records

Retention:  Retain until child reaches age 28; includes any paper record of immunizations not entered into electronic database; does not include informed consent form

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0079 | Income Tax Refund Setoff Collection Program Files

Description:  Identifying debtors who owe money to the State; and in cooperation with the Department of Revenue, collecting those debts by setting off a claim against (State Income Tax) refunds due the debtor.

Retention:  5 years or after audit requirements fulfilled, whichever is longer

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0264 | Institution Laboratory Test Report Files (Chart copy)


Retention:  Transfer to Medical Personnel for inclusion in Patient Medical Record (Chart)

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0264 | Institution Laboratory Test Report Files (Computerized Service Billing Listing)


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0264 | Institution Laboratory Test Report Files (Information copy)


Retention:  Transfer to physician or medical personnel as requested

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0264 | Institution Laboratory Test Report Files (Laboratory copy)


Retention:  Surgial Pathology Reports: 5 years. All other lab test reports: 2 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0016A | Institutional Health Project Review Files

Description:  Documents relating to review of plans and specifications of institutions constructed within the State.

Retention:  10 years after reviews completed and preliminary plans approved

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0014 | Institutions Blueprints and Specifications Files


Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0416A | Internal Audit Report Files


Retention:  Record copy: 5 years after audit questions resolved. Non-record copies: 2 years after audit questions resolved.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0487 | Interstate Juvenile Offender Files

Description:  The transfer of a juvenile, under the jurisdiction of the Youth Service Section of the State of Georgia, to or from another State.

Retention:  Years ending in 0 or 5 (one cubic foot selected at random): Permanent. All other files: 4 years after case become inactive.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1994-0020 | Inventory Management Report Files

Description:  Documents relating to supply inventory control, management, billing and accounting of consumable goods.

Retention:  Paper files: 5 years. Electronic file: Update as needed. Reference copies: Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1980-0304 | Investigations Client Case Record Files

Description:  Apprehending youth who escape from State custody; and investigating circumstances for determining proper handling of each case.

Retention:  Care terminated in the year youth reaches 18: 4 years after youth reaches age 18. Care terminated before youth reaches 18: 3 years after youth reaches age 18.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0117 | Job Description Files


Retention:  Retain until job description is superceded or position abolished

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0119 | Job Standards Development Files


Retention:  Retain until completion of job standard or when project is discontinued

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0221 | Laboratory Proficiency Test Report File 〈State Approved〉


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0220 | Laboratory Proficiency Test Report File 〈State Conducted〉


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0209A | Laboratory Screening Test Results Report File (for Metabolic Disorders, Hypertension, and Lead Poiso

Description:  Testing and analyzing blood samples for metabolic disfunctions, hypertension, and lead poisoning.

Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0122 | Laboratory Supplies Requisition File

Description:  Requisition requests for supplies from a centralized office (Laboratory Services).

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0222 | Laboratory Workshop Training File


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0378 | Lease/Rental Space Files

Description:  Documents relating to maintaining lease and rental agreements on all leased space for the department.

Retention:  Consult State Archives

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0082A | Legal Services Request/Report Files

Description:  Receiving requests from County Departments of Family & Children Services; arranging for legal services to clients through the State Department of Law; and approving payment for those services.

Retention:  Preventive, Supportive, and Adult Services Unit: 2 years. DHR Office of Budget Administration: See Schedule 1975-0240. DHR Office of Accounting Services: See Schedule 1978-0185.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-017 | License Application Pre-Visit Files


Retention:  Evaluations, Standards and Planning Unit copy: 5 years. MHMR Cost Accounting Office copy: 3 years or until no longer needed for audit purposes. Consortium copy: 3 years or until no longer needed for reference.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0219 | Licensed Laboratory Director Application File


Retention:  2 years after license terminated

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0174A | Licensed Medical Facilities Files


Retention:  Files for years ending in 0: Permanent. All other files: 4 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0174A | Licensed Medical Facilities Files (All Files Except For Years Ending in 0)


Retention:  4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0174A | Licensed Medical Facilities Files (All Files For Years Ending in 0)


Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0587 | Live Birth Medical Data Files


Retention:  1.5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0500 | Management Administrative Files


Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0186 | Maternal Health Service Report Files

Description:  Reporting (to the Maternal Health Section by each county of the State) health services to women during the child-bearing years.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0466 | Maternity Home Licensing Files (Facility License Terminated)


Retention:  See original retention documentation for instructions

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0466 | Maternity Home Licensing Files (Active Files)


Retention:  Years ending in 3: Permanent. All other years: 3 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0217 | Media and Reagent Requisition File


Retention:  Cut off annually and destroy

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0079 | Medicaid Cash Payment Journal Files


Retention:  Magnetic disk: Retain until superseded. Monthly/Quarterly Reports COM: Retain until verification of Annual Updated Report. Annual Updated Report: 5 years or until audit questions resolved, whichever is longer.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0079 | Medicaid Cash Payment Journal Files (Security Copy)


Retention:  Monthly/Quarterly Reports COM: 21 months. Annual Updated Report: 5 years or until audit questions resolved, whichever is longer.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0080 | Medicaid Eligibility Report Files

Description:  Maintaining a list of Georgia residents eligible for Medicaid assistance payments.

Retention:  Monthly Reports COM: Retain until verification of following month's report. Annual Report COM: 5 years or after audit questions resolved, whichever is longer.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0173A | Medicaid Medical Facilities Files

Description:  The licensing of hospitals and nursing homes in Georgia which participate in the Medical Assistance Program.

Retention:  Files for years ending in 0: Permanent. All other files: 4 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0310A | Medicaid Nursing Home Financial Report Files

Description:  Maintaining annual financial statements of payments made to Medicaid nursing homes and to clarifying cost adjustments (supplementary or refunded payments) to the financial statements.

Retention:  4 years or after audit resolved, whichever is longer

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0242 | Medicaid Provider Invoice Submission Files

Description:  Paying Medicaid providers for services rendered to Medicaid clients.

Retention:  Security copy microfilm: 7 years. Office copies microfilm: 3 years. Provider Invoice Form: Retain until microfilm verified.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0115 | Medicaid Refund Payment Files

Description:  The overpayments of Medicaid Assistance Funds to Medicaid Vendors (Physicians, hospitals, nursing homes and other health facilities) and the subsequent refunding of these overpayments to the Department of Human Resources.

Retention:  4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0081 | Medicaid Supplementary Medical Insurance Report File

Description:  Determining eligibility of Medicare (federally-funded and operated programs) recipients for supplemental Medicaid assistance (state-operated programs).

Retention:  Monthly Reports COM: Retain until verification of Annual Updated Report. Annual Report COM: 5 years or after audit questions resolved, whichever is longer.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1980-0314 | Medical First Responder Service License Files

Description:  Authorizing qualified Emergency Medical Technicians to render patient care which has been legally approved for their level of training.

Retention:  1 year after termination of Medical First Responder License

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0175A | Medicare Medical Care Facilities (Title XVIII) Files

Description:  The licensing of hospitals and nursing homes in Georgia which participate in the Medical Assistance Program - Title XVIII.

Retention:  Files for years ending in 0: Permanent. All other files: 4 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0461 | Mental Retardation (Develomental Disability) Medical Records Files

Description:  Requests for all services and treatment for individuals who apply for services for retardation disabilities in the State.

Retention:  Central Registry and Institutions: 35 years after individual is ineligible for service

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0120 | Merit System Certificate of Eligibles Reference File


Retention:  Retain until superseded

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0050 | Monthly General Ledger Files


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0066 | Monthly Retirement Detail Reports

Description:  Listing each employee's retirement salary and contribution amount on a monthly basis.

Retention:  4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0377 | Motor Transport Service Files (Equipment Historical Record Files)


Retention:  Retain until equipment salvaged or transferred from the inventory.

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0377 | Motor Transport Service Files (Motor Transport Servicec Activity Reporting Files)


Retention:  See instructions

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0377 | Motor Transport Service Files (MTS Logistical Files)


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0377 | Motor Transport Service Files (Preventive Maintenance Inspection Report Files)


Retention:  Retain until posted to equipment historical record files

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0377 | Motor Transport Service Files (Supplies Inventory Card)

Description:  State Medical Institution vehicle fleet.

Retention:  Retain until posted to new card or card is full

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0402A | Occupational Health Field Survey Files

Description:  Investigating work place health hazards and recommending improvements for reduction of such hazards through education, training, and consultation.

Retention:  20 years, except for those determined by the Unit Chief to require long-term retention

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0168 | Office of Aging Titles III and VII Program Files

Description:  Administering the program, State-wide, to improve the quality life for older people.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1980-0315 | Office of Audit’s Director’s Subject Files

Description:  Maintaining records for all areas of interest to the Director of the Office of Audits.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0226 | Office of Management Information Systems (OMIS) Director’s Subject Files

Description:  Administering and coordinating the functions of the Office of Management Information Systems.

Retention:  4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1989-0060 | Office of Technology and Support (OTS) Director’s Subject Files

Description:  Documents relating to all areas of responsibility of the director of Support Services.

Retention:  Office director: 3 years. Section/Unit managers: 2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0401A | Operational Audit Files

Description:  Conducting operational audits, other examinations of DHR units, special projects and investigations.

Retention:  Office of Audits (Record copy): 5 years after all audit questions resolved. Reference copies: 2 years after all audit questions resolved.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0401A | Operational Audit Files


Retention:  Record copy: 5 years after audit questions resolved. Non-record copies: 2 years after audit questions resolved.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0118 | Organizational Job Description Files


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0501 | Orientation and Briefing Files

Description:  Documents used in orientations and briefings given to top management, visitors, or State officials about the mission, functions, and physical layout of the hospital/institution.

Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0208 | Parasitology Test Report File


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0463 | Patient Account Case Files

Description:  Payments made by patients, family and/or patient's health insurance for medical services provided to the patient within the State Hospital System.

Retention:  1 year after determination that no further repayment can reasonably be expected.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0216 | Patient Accounts Hospital Deposit Listing Files

Description:  Identifying deposits made by state hospitals (usually daily) to patient payment accounts.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0218 | Patient Accounts Ledger Corrections File

Description:  Maintaining corrections of transactions to the Patient Ledger File.

Retention:  10 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0221 | Patient Accounts Medicaide Reimbursement Report Files

Description:  Documents relating to recording the receipt of Medicaid funds reimbursed to the State for services rendered to Medicaid clients residing in State Institutions.

Retention:  4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0222 | Patient Accounts Medicare Reimbursement Report Files

Description:  Recording the receipt of Medicare funds reimbursed to the State for services rendered to Medicare patients residing in State Institutions.

Retention:  4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0217 | Patient Accounts Out-Patient Charges Files

Description:  Maintaining out-patient charges incurred by patients.

Retention:  4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0219 | Patient Accounts Patient Ledger File

Description:  The maintenance of listings identifying financial accounts of patients admitted to State Hospitals.

Retention:  Monthly ledger: Retain until next monthly summary verified. Annual ledger: 10 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0220 | Patient Accounts Patient Payment Summary Files

Description:  Identifying payments made by patient income sources to DHR.

Retention:  Monthly summary: Retain until next monthly summary verified. Annual summary: 7 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0546 | Payroll Deductions Listing Files (Close-Out File)

Description:  Changing, recording and verifying payroll deductions.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0122A | Personnel and Staff Teaching/Training Files

Description:  In-service training received by DHR employees; and to developing training materials and/or curriculum standards for contracted agencies funded by Federal and/or State resources, and providing in-service training to personnel for those agencies State-wide.

Retention:  Training Coordinator: 3 years. Contracted Agency Coordinators: 6 years. District Offices/Contracted Agencies: 3 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0238 | Personnel Training Files

Description:  Correspondence regarding application for training.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0265 | Pharmacy Receipt and Distribution of Tax-Free Alcohol File

Description:  Relating to the use, receipt, and issuance of tax-free alcohol within the DHR institutions.

Retention:  3 years unless extended by federal authorities (see original documentation)

Legal Citation:  See original documentation

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0266 | Pharmacy Service, Receipt and Distribution of Controlled Substances File

Description:  Maintaining control records governing the administration and dispensing of drugs to patient-clients in Georgia Department of Human Resources Institutions for all non_controlled drugs and all drugs listed in the controlled substance schedules of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention Act of 1970, Public Law 91-513, dated October 27, 1970 and the Georgia Controlled Substances Act, Chapter 79A Amended, 1974, and any amendments to said schedules.

Retention:  Medical Prescription Files: 2 years. Pharmacy Inventory, Distribution and Receipt Files: 2 years. Pharmacy Drug Reference Files: Retain for useful life. Poison Disperal Log: 5 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0209 | Phenylketonuria (PKU) Test Report File


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1989-0061 | Policy and Procedure Development Files

Description:  Documents relating to maintaining, creating, revising or updating and issuing the Departments individual Administrative, Grants-to_Counties and DHR Board Policies and Procedures and related manuals which compile the policies and procedures.

Retention:  Development documents: 7 years. Published policies/procedures: official copies: Permanent; reference copies: retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0116 | Position Number Files


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0024 | Pregnancy-Related Services/Perinatal Case Management (PRS/PCM) Health Records

Description:  All documents relating to health services provided to PRS/PCM clients

Retention:  6 years from date of last service

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0308 | Printing Unit Job Jacket Files

Description:  Documents relating to processing data; and sample of each, printing job.

Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0499 | Procedural Instruction Files

Description:  Preparing, coordinating, issuing, and interpreting directives, policies, procedures, and comparable instructional material. These files accumulate from preparation and interpretation of instructions.

Retention:  7 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1984-0099 | Project Construction File

Description:  Documents relating to constructing and renovating State owned and operated Department of Human Resources facilities.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0173 | Proposed Legislation Reference Files


Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0358A | Public Assistance and Food Stamp Suspected Fraud Closed Case Files (State Office of Fraud and Abuse)


Retention:  3 years after determination that case is closed, uncollectible, or paid in full

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0476 | Public Assistance Authorization Files

Description:  Authorization of monetary assistance (Public Assistance) to eligible recipients in the State.

Retention:  3 years or until resolution of audit, whichever is longer

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0269A | Public Assistance Bank Credit Files

Description:  The recovery of public assistance funds from banks who have made unauthorized payment of public assistance checks.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0477A | Public Assistance Canceled Check Disposition Files

Description:  Maintaining record of disposition of cancelled PA check.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0477 | Public Assistance Canceled Check Files


Retention:  3 years or until resolution of audit, whichever is longer

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0270A | Public Assistance Check Magnetic Ink Character-Read (MICR) Number Listing Files

Description:  Maintaining reference listing of public assistance check numbers assigned by DOAS and corresponding preprinted MICR number.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0478A | Public Assistance Check Payee Change File

Description:  Official correspondence between county Department of Family and Children Services and the State Department.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0480 | Public Assistance Check Registers File


Retention:  3 years or until resolution of audit, whichever is longer

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0479A | Public Assistance Check Stop Payment File

Description:  Stopping payment on a Public Assistance check.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0547 | Public Assistance Client Medical Eligibility Closed Case Files

Description:  Determining client medical eligibility for medical assistance only and incapacity.

Retention:  Central Medical Eligibility Office: 3 years after client is no longer eligible for assistance. County Offices: Follow the disposition guidelines in the FCS Procedures Manual.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1983-0832 | Public Assistance Client Medical Eligibility Open Case Files

Description:  Determining client medical eligibility for medical assistance only and incapacity.

Retention:  Central Medical Eligibility Office: 35 years (see original schedule for further instructions). County Offices: Follow disposition guidelines in FCS Procedures Manual.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0347 | Public Assistance Correspondence Files (In-State)

Description:  Request, by recipients of the various Public Assistance Programs in the State, for information on these programs.

Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0342A | Public Assistance Eligibility Review Files

Description:  Validation by State authorities of County action in determining recipient eligibility for public assistance as required by Federal Regulation.

Retention:  Files covering fiscal years ending in 3 or 8 (one cubic foot selected at random): Permanent. All other files: 3 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0271A | Public Assistance Outstanding Check Files

Description:  Maintaining a listing of public assistance checks received from DOAS identifying checks that have not cleared the bank and have not been paid to Welfare clients during a monthly issuing period.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0272 | Public Assistance Paid Check Cross-Reference Listing Files

Description:  Maintaining a listing of public assistance checks issued with corresponding batch control number.

Retention:  Six-month report: 5 years. Monthly/Periodic reports: Retain for useful life.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0273A | Public Assistance Paid Check Listing Files

Description:  Maintaining a listing of public assistance checks received from Bank identifying the checks that have cleared the bank and have been paid to Welfare clients during monthly issuing period.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1984-0101 | Public Assistance System 〈PAS〉 C.O.M. Reports

Description:  Maintaining a record of Public Assistance System client eligibility and financial data.

Retention:  Security original: 5 years (at State Records Center). Duplicates: Retain for useful life.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0307 | Publications Control and Processing Files

Description:  Documents relating to control of publications work in progress.

Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0050 | Quality Control Review Files

Description:  Validation of County action in determining recipient eligibility as required by Federal Regulation

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0130 | Rabies History Case Records

Description:  Determinations of the necessity of treatment for possible rabid victims.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0004A | Random Moment Sample Study Files

Description:  Conducting and coordinating studies for cost allocation for Federal reimbursement of funds for salary and travel of personnel who work in County Departments of Family and Children Services and support staff in the State Department of Human Resources.

Retention:  4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0302 | Records Information Release Files

Description:  Specific instances of furnishing, denying, or granting access to information from State records.

Retention:  Place release in corresponding Patient Medical Record Case File

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0301 | Records Management Survey Files

Description:  Visits and surveys conducted to provide advice and assistance, or to evaluate the effectiveness of records management operations and programs.

Retention:  1 year or until another survey is made

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0303 | Records Retention Schedule Files

Description:  Communications with the State Records Management Division concerning authority for disposition of specific files, and special studies of specific files for the purpose of establishing or revising disposition schedules.

Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0296 | Recreational Areas Plans and Specifications Files (Completed)


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0297 | Recreational Areas Plans and Specifications Files (Inactive)


Retention:  1 year after decision to not implement proposal

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0280 | Regional Youth Development Center Daily Population Files

Description:  The daily population including name, sex, race, and vital information of the Regional Y.D.C.'s.

Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0471 | Regional Youth Development Center Licensing Files (Facility License Terminated)


Retention:  See original retention documentation for instructions

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0471 | Regional Youth Development Center Licensing Files (Active Files)


Retention:  Years ending in 3: Permanent. All other years: 3 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0361 | Regional Youth Development Center Monthly Population Files

Description:  The number of juveniles served by the center for the month.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1994-0021 | Rental Car and Petroleum Credit Card Application Information Files

Description:  Documents relating to requesting and monitoring issuance of rental car and petroleum credit cards.

Retention:  Material Management Section: 5 years. Other offices: Retain until no longer needed for audit or administration.

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0198 | Report of Service Contact File

Description:  A report of recipients served by the Division of Family and Children Services.

Retention:  1 month

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0015 | Review of Plans and Specifications for Public Schools Files


Retention:  15 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0208A | Routine Serology Test Report File


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0026 | Scoliosis School Screening Records

Description:  All health records pertaining to scoliosis screenings

Retention:  6 years from date of original screening

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0170 | Semi-Monthly Salary Report File 〈Semi-Monthly Salary Totals-PACs-1047〉

Description:  Maintaining semi-monthly payroll listings.

Retention:  Retain until receipt of updated printout.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0219 | SEOO (State Economic Opportunity Office) Energy Program Files


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0170 | SEOO (State Equal Opportunity Office) Application for Community Action Program Files

Description:  The review of applications for Community Action Programs by the State Equal Opportunity Office.

Retention:  Initial grant application and program progress reviews: Permanent. Other files: 5 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0025 | Single-Encounter Health Records

Description:  Health records pertaining to one-time service encounters.

Retention:  5 years from date of service

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0171 | Social Security Tabulation Report By Fund File

Description:  Maintaining a listing of contributions made by Departmental divisions to the Social Security Trust Fund.

Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0174A | Special Administrative Services Director’s Subject Files

Description:  All areas of interest and responsibility of the Director of Special Administrative Services.

Retention:  7 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0401 | Special Milk Program Reimbursement Files

Description:  The reimbursement of Federal Funds for the purchase of milk at the YDC and RYDC's.

Retention:  3 years or until state audit is completed, whichever is longer

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0385 | Special Projects Juvenile Offender Case Files

Description:  The care and supervision of juveniles in lieu of institutionalization. The Special Projects include Day Centers, Community Treatment Centers, and Group Homes.

Retention:  Retain until the end of the year in which the child reaches majority.

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0301 | State Audit of County Expenditure File

Description:  The control and auditing of expenditures to determine the eligibility of counties to receive public assistance funds.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0150A | State Health Planning and Development (SHPDA) Director’s Subject Files

Description:  All areas of responsibility and interest of the Director of the Comprehensive Health Planning Unit.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0223 | State Laboratory Licensure File


Retention:  Retain until the end of the calendar year in which the license is terminated

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0071 | State, Institution, and County Miscellaneous Files (Personnel)


Retention:  7 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0479 | Stop Payment Files


Retention:  3 years or until resolution of audit, whichever is longer

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0274 | Stroke and Heart Attack Prevention Administrative Control Files

Description:  Maintenance of administrative control records for the Stroke and Heart Attack Prevention Program.

Retention:  Adult Health Unit: Permanent. Other offices: Retain for useful life.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0275 | Stroke and Heart Attack Prevention Client Case Files

Description:  Maintenance of a medical file on each client participating in the screening and detection program for stroke and heart attack risk factors.

Retention:  5 years after client becomes inactive or 1 year after client is deceased.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0299A | Telecommunication Customer Invoice/Network Usage Detail File

Description:  Providing detail invoicing and network usage for telecommunication services.

Retention:  All DHR Offices (record copy): 5 years. IT section: 6 months.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1994-0022 | Telecommunications Work Order Files

Description:  Documents relating to requesting additions, changes and deletions of telecommunication systems, equipment and related services.

Retention:  Facilities Support Section: 5 years. Other offices: Retain until no longer needed for audit or administration.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1994-0023 | Telephone Credit Card File

Description:  Documents relating to requesting cancellation or new telephone credit cards.

Retention:  Facilities Support Section: 5 years. Other offices: Retain until no longer needed for audit or administration.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0281 | Thirty Day Population Notification Files

Description:  The notification of the State Office that a juvenile has been held in a Regional Youth Development Center for thirty (30) days or longer.

Retention:  1 month

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0087 | Tie-Line Social Services Index Files

Description:  The compilation of an index of all social services available within the State.

Retention:  Microfiche Original: 1 year. Magnetic Tape: Held permanently by DOAS. Other files: Retain until superseded.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0238 | Title VI Civil Rights Grievance Case Files

Description:  Investigating complaints charging discrimination with respect to services available to eligible Georgia citizens. (Civil Rights Act, 1964)

Retention:  5 years after final disposition of charge or action.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1980-0302 | Title XX (Title 20) Monitoring Files

Description:  monitoring service programs, provided by Title XX contracted agencies, to assure that Federal requirements are met.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1980-0296 | Title XX (Title 20) Quality Control Files

Description:  Reviewing and evaluating Title XX Programs State-wide for assuring that each program is operated according to all applicable laws and regulations.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0128 | Title XX (Title 20) Quality Control/Monitoring Files

Description:  Monitoring and evaluating the service programs provided by the County Departments of Family and Children Services to assure that Federal Requirements are met.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0343A | Title XX Social Servicese Information Report Files

Description:  Maintaining documentation of services provided to clients receiving assistance in DHR Social Services programs.

Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0291 | Tourist Accomodation Permit File


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0291A | Tourist Accomodation Permit File

Description:  The issuance of permits governing the sanitational facilities in tourist accommodation (hotels, motels, etc.) in the State of Georgia, signifying compliance with the Rules and Regulations of the Ga. Dept. of Human Resources adopted pursuant to the Georgia Health code, Chapter 88-11, Georgia Laws 1964, p. 449, et seg..

Retention:  20 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0292 | Tourist Accomodation Permits, Consolidated Listing (Computer printout)


Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0293 | Tourist Accomodation Permits, Consolidated Listing (Computer tape)


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1983-0872 | Transacted ATP Card File 〈Authorization to Participate in the Georgia Food Stamp Program〉

Description:  Authorizing participation in the Georgia Food Stamp Program.

Retention:  Paper: 1 year after film verification. Microfilm security copy: 5 years after verification. Microfilm duplicate: Retain for useful life.

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0020 | Tuberculosis Records (Cases/Treatment)

Description:  All documents relating to health services provided to tuberculosis patients; cases includes those clients with active TB infection and/or with latent TB infection (LTBI) and an abnormal chest X-ray

Retention:  21 years from date of last service

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0020 | Tuberculosis Records (Negative X-rays)


Retention:  10 years from end of calendar year in which X-ray was taken

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0020 | Tuberculosis Records (Positive X-rays)


Retention:  10 years from end of calendar year in which X-ray was taken

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0020 | Tuberculosis Records (Prophylaxis/Prevention)

Description:  All documents relating to health services provided to tuberculosis clients; prophylaxis includes those clients with LTBI and a normal chest X-ray

Retention:  21 years from date of last service

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0214A | Tuberculosis Suspect Files (Basic TB Service Record)


Retention:  Negative: 3 years. Positive: 7 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0214A | Tuberculosis Suspect Files (Interstate Reciprocal Notication of Disease)


Retention:  3 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0214A | Tuberculosis Suspect Files (TB Culture Identification)


Retention:  Negative: 3 years. Positive: Place in TB Case File.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0214A | Tuberculosis Suspect Files (Weekly Laboratory Infectious Agent Report)


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0210 | Tuberculosis Test Report File


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0067 | Unemployment Insurance Wage and Tax Quarterly Reports

Description:  Recording wages paid to employees and taxes due for unemployment insurance.

Retention:  4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0362 | Urban Detention Centers Monthly Reports

Description:  The number of juveniles served by Urban Detention Center (not State administered).

Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1994-0024 | Vehicle Costs and Use Report

Description:  Documents relating to monitoring the use of vehicles.

Retention:  Material Management Section: 5 years. Other offices: Retain until no longer needed for audit or administration.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1994-0029 | Vehicle History Files


Retention:  Material Management Section: 5 years. Other offices: Retain until no longer needed for audit or administration.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0216 | Virology Test Report File


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0216A | Virology Test Report File


Retention:  Paper record: 2 years; Floppy disk: retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0142 | Vocational Rehabilitation Case Service Record File

Description:  Case histories in vocational rehabilitation.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0276 | Vocational Rehabilitation Client Cost Evaluation Files

Description:  Maintaining financial and statistical records for all clients in the Vocational Rehabilitation Program.

Retention:  3 years or until resolution of audit, whichever is longer

Legal Citation:  45 CFR, Part 74, Subpart D

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0248A | Vocational Rehabilitation Client Reference Card Files

Description:  Maintaining a client reference index card on each client serviced by the program.

Retention:  Division Office Copy: Retain to end of Fiscal Year. District Office Copy: 3 years after case becomes inactive. Counselor's Copy: 3 years after case becomes inactive.

Vital Record:  FALSE

0000-0308 | Vocational Rehabilitation Federal Grant Project Files

Description:  Projects for Vocational Rehabilitation services which receive grants from the Federal government. These grants are for the rehabilitation of people who, because of some defect, physical or mental, are unable to gain meaningful employment.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0004 | Voided ATP Card (Authorization to Participate in the Georgia Food Stamp Program)

Description:  Authorizing residents of Georgia to participate in the State Food Program.

Retention:  1 month

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0120 | Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) Project Files

Description:  Maintaining records of projects served by persons known as Vista Volunteers.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0289 | Water Impoundment Application File


Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0286A | Water Impoundment Permit File

Description:  The issuance of permits governing the impoundment of water in the State of Georgia, signifying compliance on date of issue with the Rules and Regulations of Ga. Dept. of Human Resources governing Mosquito Control and other measures on impounded waters.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0287 | Water Impoundment Permits, Consolidated Listing (Computer printout)


Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0288 | Water Impoundment Permits, Consolidated Listing (Computer tape)


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0290 | Watershed Impoundment File


Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0232A | WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) Program Participation and Financial Reports

Description:  Reviewing and certifying the accuracy of Program participation and financial reports prepared by district offices and local health clinics, and to compiling and submitting required State reports to the Food and Nutrition Service; U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Retention:  4 years

Legal Citation:  7 CFR Ch. II, Section 246.25

Vital Record:  FALSE

0427-0023 | Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Health Records

Description:  WIC-associated health records; applies only to WIC health records kept separately from child health records (if WIC records are kept as part of child health records, follow schedule 427-017)

Retention:  Retain for 3 years past the end of calendar year in which date of last service occurred

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0187 | Workmen’s Compensation Claim Files

Description:  Processing claims by employees for injuries and/or disabilities received at their job.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0315 | X-Ray Film File 〈Common Standard〉

Description:  (X-ray film) relating to the examination and diagnosis of patients at hospitals, clinics, and facilities of the State of Georgia.

Retention:  7 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0384 | Zero Based Budget Files

Description:  Projecting, analyzing, and estimating the annual budget for the Department of Human Resources.

Retention:  Office of Budget Services, Institutional/Division Budget Offices: 5 years. Section/Unit Budget Offices: 1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

Georgia Archives, 5800 Jonesboro Road, Morrow, GA  30260