Georgia Archives

University System of Georgia

1833 Land Lottery

1833 Land Lottery in Georgia

Authority: Act of December 24, 1832

Date of Drawing of Land Lots: December 6 and 7, 1833
Date of Drawing of Gold Lots: December 9-13, 1833


Original Cherokee territory and a handful of land lots not placed in the prize wheels during earlier lotteries.

Sections and Districts

  • Fractional lots of fewer than 100 acres from the 60 land districts and 33 gold districts.
  • Twenty-two undrawn lots from the previous Cherokee lotteries.

Tickets representing lots and fractions from the 1832 Land Lottery were placed in the land wheel and those from the 1832 Gold Lottery in the gold wheel. They were distributed in separate drawings. It is likely that the whole lots from earlier lotteries also were placed in the land wheel.

Size of Land Lots and Gold Lots

Lots varied in size, but the fractional lots from the 1832 Land Lottery were fewer than the 100 acres specified in the laws authorizing that lottery. Fractions result from irregular boundaries that prevent measurements in square lots.

Grant Fee

  • $18.00 per lot

Person Entitled to Draw

The remaining tickets bearing participants’ names from the 1832 Land Lottery were drawn to match tickets drawn from the Land Wheel, and remaining tickets bearing participants’ names from the 1832 Gold Lottery were drawn to match tickets drawn from the Gold Wheel.

How do I find the names of the winners?

  • The 1833 Land Lottery of Georgia and Other Missing Names of Winners in the Georgia Land Lotteries, by Robert S. Davis Jr.. (Greenville, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1991).
  • Milledgeville, Georgia, Newspaper Clippings (Southern Recorder), Vol. 3, 1833-1835, by Tad Evans. (Savannah: the Author, 1996).