Georgia Archives

University System of Georgia

State Agency Specific Retention Schedules

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Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, Department of   [ Total entries: 221 ]

1973-0514 | Accident Case Files


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0513 | Accident Experience Files


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1986-0019 | Alcohol and Drug Abuse Direct Client Services Ticket File 〈Official Copy〉

Description:  Documents relating to recording the charge and payment for providing drug abuse client services.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1986-0019 | Alcohol and Drug Abuse Direct Client Services Ticket File 〈Reference Copy〉

Description:  Recording the charge and payment for providing drug abuse client services.

Retention:  Cut off file at end of each fiscal year, then destroy

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0421 | Alcohol and Narcotic Control Files


Retention:  10 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0224 | Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Patient Test Report Files (Analysis Report Forms 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, a

Description:  Results of laboratory tests conducted to determine the presence or absence of a variety of abuse drugs such as opiates, alkaloids, barbiturates, amphetamines, and hypnotics in human body fluids of patients who voluntary participate in programs intended to terminate the use of abusive drugs.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0317 | Appeal and Grievance Case Files (VOID?)


Retention:  36 years after case or appeal is finalized

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0311 | Applicant Roster Files


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0383 | Atlanta Center for Independent Living Director’s Subject Files (Reports of Performance to Vocational

Description:  Developing and administering the Atlanta Center For Independent Living Program.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0225 | Atlanta Center for Independent Living Inactive Participant File (All years except years ending in 1

Description:  Maintaining records of participants in the ACIL Program and recording their progress and development toward achieving an independent living environment.

Retention:  5 years after participant becomes inactive

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0507 | Award Publicity Files


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0427 | Birth Register File


Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0420 | Blood Donation Files


Retention:  10 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0607 | Business Enterprise Counselor Weekly Activity Report File

Description:  Maintaining a record of the weekly activities of business enterprise counselors.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0441 | Clinical and Pathological Laboratory Files


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1980-0403 | Community Facilities Client Record Files

Description:  Maintaining clients records in Community Facilities serving the mentally retarded individual.

Retention:  10 years after individual dies or becomes ineligible for service or file is closed

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0277 | Community Mental Health Center Grant Operations Files

Description:  Documents relating to applying for a federal grant to operate a Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center within the State of Georgia.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0306 | Copyright Authorization Files


Retention:  10 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0244 | Cost of Care/Balance Due Adjustment and Receipt Correction Forms (All files except for Medicare-Medi


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0244 | Cost of Care/Balance Due Adjustment and Receipt Correction Forms (Files for Medicare-Medicaid Client


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0243 | Court Commitment Client/Patient Information Files

Description:  Maintaining information in order to reflect Division action for clients committed to DHR Division of Mental Health & Mental Retardation through the courts.

Retention:  1 year after case is closed or determined to be inactive

Vital Record:  FALSE

1980-0327 | Crippled Children Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Disabled Children’s Program Files (Original Cop

Description:  Processing applications for services through the Supplemental Income Disabled Children's Program.

Retention:  Retain in accordance with schedule 1973-0495

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0426 | Death Register File


Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0453 | Dental Reporting Files


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0454 | Dental Worksheet and Tabulation Files


Retention:  3 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0457 | Dental X-Ray Project Files


Retention:  8 years after completion of project

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0458 | Dental X-Ray Teaching Files


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0305 | Developmental Disabilities Project Administrative Files

Description:  Administering the Developmental Disabilities Services formula grant.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0148 | Diet Therapy Files


Retention:  3 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0102 | Director’s Office Subject Files


Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0075 | Divorce Affidavit File


Retention:  3 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0449 | Drug Abuse Director’s Subject Files


Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0309 | Duplicating and photoreproduction Job Control Files


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0450 | Electrocardiogram Tracing Files


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0449 | Electroencephalographic Tracing Files


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0295 | Employee Examination Reporting Files


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0316 | Employee Interview Files

Description:  Documents used to record counseling interviews and termination interviews.

Retention:  6 months after termination of employee

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0314 | Employee Locator Files


Retention:  5 years after termination of employee

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0452 | Employee Medical Files


Retention:  Transfer to personnel folder 3 months after termination of treatment

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0338 | Engineering Operation Reporting Files


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0341 | Engineering Project Estimate Files


Retention:  3 years after project completion, disapproval, or discontinuance

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0274 | Engineering Service and Work Order Files


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0276 | Engineering Stock Record Account Files


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0275 | Engineering Work Order Control Files


Retention:  1 month

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0279 | Entomology Service Files


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0312 | Equal Employment Opportunity Reporting Files


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0313 | Equal Employment Opportunity Survey Files


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0456 | Extra Oral Dental X-Ray Files


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1983-0032 | Field Services Section Director’s Subject File

Description:  Providing direction and technical assistance to (8) district and (60) local offices of the rehabilitation services program.

Retention:  4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0143 | Food Service Reporting Files


Retention:  Office performing hospital-wide staff responsibility: 5 years. Other offices: 2 years.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1972-0218 | Food Service Reporting Files (Office performing Hospital-wide staff responsibility)


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1972-0218 | Food Service Reporting Files (Offices not performing Hospital-wide staff responsibility)


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0300 | Forms Management Survey Files


Retention:  1 year or until another survey is made

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0318 | General Personnel Files

Description:  Documents relating to personnel strength, classification and reclassification, assignment, transfer, promotion, retirement and termination, and similar activities in general.

Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0264 | Georgia Retardation Center Miscellaneous Unit Information Files

Description:  Documents relating to the ongoing process of Unit operations.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0263 | Georgia Retardation Center Operation Supervisor Reports


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0262 | Georgia Retardation Center Program Administration Files


Retention:  12 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0095 | Group Volunteer Worker Files


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0074 | Guardianship Affidavit Files


Retention:  3 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1972-0218 | Hospital - Diet Therapy Files


Retention:  3 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1972-0218 | Hospital - Individual Patient Diet Files


Retention:  When patient discharged

Vital Record:  FALSE

1972-0218 | Hospital - Modified Diet Statistics Files


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1972-0218 | Hospital Food Production Files


Retention:  3 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1972-0218 | Hospital Food Supply Files


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1972-0218 | Hospital Master Menu Files


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1972-0218 | Hospital Ration Accounting Files


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1972-0218 | Hospital Ration Accounting Files Data Worksheets


Retention:  3 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1972-0218 | Hospital Recipe Card Files


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0145 | Hospital/Institution Food Accounting Files


Retention:  Food Source Data Worksheet: 3 months. Other files: 1 year.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0150 | Hospital/Institution Food Production Files


Retention:  3 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0146 | Hospital/Institution Food Supply Files


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0144 | Hospital/Institution Master Menu Files


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0147 | Individual Patient/Client Diet Files


Retention:  Retain until patient is released from hospital

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0604 | Information and Advocacy Program and Grant Management File

Description:  Maintaining a record of program direction and grant management for the Client Assistance Program, Governor's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped, Title V (Section 504), Title VI, and Title VII.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0073 | Institutionalized Alien Report Files


Retention:  Retain until action is completed by Department of Justice

Vital Record:  FALSE

1989-0062 | Internal Audits - Working Papers File

Description:  Performing audits to determine the accuracy of funds collected and expanded for DHR agencies/programs state-wide.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0072 | Interstate Transfer Files


Retention:  Division Office: 7 years. Institution: Hold until disposition instructions received from Division Office

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0277 | Job Order Register Files


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0310 | Job Standard Files


Retention:  Until superseded

Vital Record:  FALSE

1993-0300-01 | Local Facility Continuous Quality Improvement Quarterly Reviews and All Environmental Surveys


Retention:  Agency: 3 years. Other organizations: 1 year.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0430 | Local Facility Inspection Reporting Files


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0500 | Management Administrative Files

Description:  Documents relating to the over-all or general routine administration of manpower administration, non-professional training or safety activities.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0502 | Manpower Resource Data Files

Description:  Documents used as a basis for planning or estimating immediate or future manpower resources.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0504 | Manpower Statistical Data Files

Description:  Documents used to provide a source of statistical data for use in manpower control activities such as forecasting, justifying and analyzing current or projected manpower requirements.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0503 | Manpower Survey and Staffing Criteria Files

Description:  Documents relating to on-site and other appraisal reports, staffing studies, comments, justifications and similar or related documents.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0278 | Master Facilities Planning Files


Retention:  10 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0425 | Medical Care Inquiry File


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0440 | Medical Laboratory Performance Reporting Files


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0428 | Medical Records Access Files


Retention:  10 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0294 | Medical Records Source Document Files


Retention:  3 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0422 | Medical Statistical Reporting Files


Retention:  14 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0423 | Medical Statistics Machine Tabulation Files


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0080 | Medicare Billing Forms Transmittal Files


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0078 | Medicare Individual Patient Files


Retention:  5 years after death, discharge, or one year without Medicare Billing Activity

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0079 | Medicare Patient Data Card Files


Retention:  5 years after death, discharge, or one year without Medicare Billing Activity

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0081 | Medicare Payment Listings


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0076 | Mental Health Patient Hearing Files


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1980-0370 | Mental Health Personal Advocacy Inquiries/Reports of Incident Files

Description:  Responding to inquiries (by patients, their representatives, or other individuals) concerning rights, referrals, requests for treatment, or other matters at State institutions; and investigating reports of incident, injury or leave without permission at these institutions.

Retention:  7 years after case is closed

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0115 | Mental Health Research Project Documentation Files (Research Management Files)


Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1975-0115 | Mental Health Research Project Documentation Files (Research Raw Data Files)


Retention:  11 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1981-0445 | Mental Health/Mental Retardation Facility Plan Files (ESP Unit Record Copy)

Description:  Collecting four-year plans submitted annually by 34 community centers, 10 institutions, 8 consortia, and the drug abuse plan for Metro Atlanta, and evaluations by the ESP Unit of those plans.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0548 | Mental Health/Mental Retardation Hospital/Institution Patient Dental Record Case Files (Active Recor

Description:  Maintaining records of dental services performed for patients at the respective state-financed hospitals and institutions.

Retention:  35 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1981-0434 | Mental Heatlh Patient/Client Interstate Compact Case History Files

Description:  Transferring patients/clients from one State hospital to another within Georgia or to or from another state.

Retention:  7 years after case is closed

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0244A | Mental Retardation Area Developmental Service Chiefs Budget and Fiscal Files

Description:  Monitoring and reviewing funds spent by 27 Mental Retardation Area Development Service Chiefs.

Retention:  Record copy: 5 years. Reference copy: 2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1983-0008 | Mental Retardation Community Residential Services Budget and Program Files

Description:  Reviewing and monitoring funds spent and programmatic activity for MR Community Residential Services Programs statewide.

Retention:  4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0245A | Mental Retardation County Day Service Center Budget and Fiscal Files

Description:  Monitoring and reviewing funds spent by County MR Day Service Centers.

Retention:  Record copy: 5 years. Reference copy: 2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0274 | Mental Retardation Day Service Center Program Monitoring Files


Retention:  Record copy: 5 years. Reference copy: 2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0276 | Mental Retardation Group Home Fiscal Files


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0275 | Mental Retardation Group Home Program Files

Description:  Receiving and reviewing proposals for the establishment and administration of Group Home Programs.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0273A | Mental Retardation Section Director’s Subject Files

Description:  All areas of interest and responsibility of the Director of Mental Retardation Section.

Retention:  4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0272A | Mental Retardation Section Program and Staff Development Files

Description:  Identifying program and staff strengths and weaknesses and activities initiated to upgrade same.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1983-0084 | MH/MRIS - Monthly Inquiry Log

Description:  Maintaining a record of time frequency distribution and performance of functions for the Inquiry module.

Retention:  4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0149 | Modified Diet Statistics Files


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0153 | National School Lunch Program Files (Institution Accounting Office)


Retention:  5 years or until audit resolved

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0153 | National School Lunch Program Files (Institution Nutrition Services Section)


Retention:  3 years, 3 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0153 | National School Lunch Program Files (Stock Status Report)


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0265 | Nursing - Patient Condition Report Files


Retention:  3 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0297 | Nursing Care and Treatment Service Schedule


Retention:  3 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1992-0001 | OBRA Determination Record File

Description:  Annual records determining whether or not an individual with mental illness (MI), mental retardation (MR), or developmental (DD) meets Medicaid eligibility to receive care in a Medicaid participating nursing facility.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0431 | Operation Order and Schedule Files


Retention:  3 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0245 | Operational Report Files (Monetary Edit Reports)


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0245 | Operational Report Files (Non-Monetary Edit Reports - All files except for Medicare-Medicaid Clients


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0245 | Operational Report Files (Non-Monetary Edit Reports - Files for Medicare-Medicaid Clients)


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0501 | Orientation and Briefing Files

Description:  Documents relating to used in orientations and briefings given to top management, visitors, or State officials about the mission, functions, and physical layout of the hospital/institution.

Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0448 | Orthopedic Work Order Files


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0243 | Outpatient Invoice/Receipt Files (Outpatient Fee Slips) (All files except Medicare-Medicaid Clients)


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0243 | Outpatient Invoice/Receipt Files (Outpatient Fee Slips) (Files for Medicare-Medicaid Clients)


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0445 | Outpatient Record Index Files


Retention:  1 year after transfer or termination of outpatient treatment

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0434 | Patient Absence Files


Retention:  Retain until return of patient or when no longer needed

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0241 | Patient Account Case File 〈Patient Profile〉 (All files except for Medicare-Medicaid Clients)


Retention:  3 years after case becomes inactive

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0241 | Patient Account Case File 〈Patient Profile〉 (Medicare-Medicaid Clients files)


Retention:  5 years after case becomes inactive

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0247 | Patient Accounts - Administrative Reports - Responsible Party Cross Reference, Financial Summary, an


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0247 | Patient Accounts - Administrative Reports - Statement of Account and Account Status Reports (All fil


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0247 | Patient Accounts - Administrative Reports - Statement of Account and Account Status Reports (Files f


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0248 | Patient Accounts Financial Report Files (All files except Medicare-Medicaid Clients)


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0248 | Patient Accounts Financial Report Files (Files for Medicare-Medicaid Clients)


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0442 | Patient Condition Reporting Files


Retention:  3 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0291 | Patient Medical Case History Record Files

Description:  Request for all services and the treating of persons in State-financed institutions.

Retention:  See original retention schedule

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0444 | Patient Medical Record Index Files


Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0223 | Patient Medical Record Locator File

Description:  Recording the location of the patient medical record when that record is removed from the Medical Records Section by institution staff.

Retention:  Retain until transfer of Medical Record to State Records Center

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0233 | Patient Medical Record Locator Files


Retention:  Retain until medical record is tranferred to State Records Center

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0296 | Patient Medical Records - Eugenics Files


Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0437 | Patient Personal Funds Accounting Files


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0436 | Patient Personal Funds Record Files


Retention:  3 years after withdrawal of all money

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0224 | Patient Pre-Admission Screening/Not Admitted Files

Description:  Documents relating to pre-admission screenings or interviews of potential patients in D.H.R. Institutions.

Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0290 | Patient Statistical Report Files

Description:  Accounting for patients in State - financed institutions.

Retention:  Magnetic tape: Permanent. Daily Census Reports: 3 years. Monthly Statistical Summary: 10 years. Other Files: Retain for useful life.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0435 | Patient Transfer Files


Retention:  3 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0438 | Patient Valuables and/or Personal Property Files


Retention:  1 year after return of valuables to patient or authorized individual

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0356 | Patient Worker Case Files

Description:  Maintaining records on patient-workers

Retention:  32 years after termination of employment

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0096 | Pending Volunteer Sponsor Applicant Files


Retention:  Approved applicants: Transfer to Volunteer Services Worker Active Case Files. All others: 3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0092 | Pending Volunteer Worker Applicant Files


Retention:  Approved applicants: Transfer to Volunteer Services Worker Active Case Files. All others: 1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0315 | Personnel Chronological Journal Files


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0077 | Petition for Civil Commitment Files


Retention:  Retain until hearing is held

Vital Record:  FALSE

1972-0207 | Pharmacy Service Files (Medical Prescription Files)

Description:  Documents relating to medical prescriptions which accumulate in pharmacies.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1972-0207 | Pharmacy Service Files (Pharmacy Issue Files)

Description:  Documents used by pharmacy officers for requisitioning items of supply from the medical supply officer.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1972-0207 | Pharmacy Service Files (Pharmacy Stock Record Files)

Description:  Documents reflecting the receipt and expenditure of all narcotic drugs, ethyl alcohol, alcoholic liquors and similar preparations.

Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1972-0207 | Pharmacy Service Files (Reference Files)

Description:  Documents used as a source of reference to drugs available on the commercial market.

Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0429 | Physical Medicine Reporting Files


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0447 | Physical Medicine Treatment Files


Retention:  1 year after completion of treatment

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0246 | Posting Run Control Report


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0308 | Printing Unit Job Jacket Files


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0499 | Procedural Instruction Files

Description:  Documents relating to preparing, coordinating, issuing, and interpreting directives, policies, procedures, and comparable instructional material.

Retention:  7 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0439 | Professional Consultant Control Files


Retention:  1 year after termination of appointment

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0455 | Prosthetic Case Files


Retention:  6 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0465 | Psychiatric Clinics Statistical Abstracts Files

Description:  The compiliation of statistics on out patients in Mental Health clinics.

Retention:  0 after publication of annual statistical report

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0552 | Psychology Case Files

Description:  The psychological evaluation of patients and recommendations for treatment or disposition of patient.

Retention:  35 years after patient discharge or death

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0307 | Publications Control and Processing Files


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0298 | Radio Frequency Files


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0242 | Reciept Voucher Files (All files except Medicare-Medicaid Clients)


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1979-0242 | Reciept Voucher Files (Files for Medicare-Medicaid Clients)


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0151 | Recipe Card Files


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0304 | Record Locator and Disposition Files


Retention:  See instructions

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0302 | Records Information Release Files


Retention:  See instructions

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0301 | Records Management Survey Files


Retention:  1 year or until another survey is made

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0303 | Records Retention Schedule


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1983-0040 | Rehabilitation Services Client Information Management Report File 〈Original Copy〉

Description:  Managing client service information and providing computer reports for Rehabilitation Services.

Retention:  4 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1983-0040 | Rehabilitation Services Client Information Management Report File 〈Reference Copy〉

Description:  Managing client service information and providing computer reports for Rehabilitation Services.

Retention:  1 year or until no longer needed

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0379A | Rehabilitation Services Disability Adjudication Client Case Files (Disability Adjudication Section.

Description:  Authorizing eligibility for residents of Georgia who apply for assistance under Titles II and XVI of the Social Security Act.

Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0605 | Rehabilitation Services Panel of Specialists Agreement File

Description:  Maintaining an agreement with licensed physicians and psychologists to provide medical and consultative services to clients in accordance with Rehabilitation Services Schedule of Fees.

Retention:  3 years after provider becomes inactive in program

Vital Record:  FALSE

1983-0041 | Rehabilitation Services Program Development and Evaluation File

Description:  Planning and developing the goals and objectives for the programs within the Division of Rehabilitation Services.

Retention:  Permanent

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0606 | Rehabilitation Services Provider Agreement File

Description:  Maintaining an agreement with hospitals, interpreters, and hearing aid services to provide rehabilitation services to clients and determining the reimbursement rate.

Retention:  3 years after provider becomes inactive in program

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0510 | Safety Awareness Files


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0509 | Safety Hazard Files


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0511 | Safety Standard Files


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0512 | Safety Statistical Files


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0508 | Safety Survey Files


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0280 | Sanitary Service Files


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0433 | Seriously Ill Files


Retention:  3 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0459 | Social Work Individual Case Files

Description:  The interviewing of patients in State hospitals and appropriate individuals to assist in the adjustment of the patient and in the evaluation of personal and social data for diagnosis and treatment.

Retention:  1 year after death or discharge of client or after client receives no service for 6 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0451 | Spectacle Issue Files


Retention:  1 year

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0266 | Speech and Hearing Patient Case Files


Retention:  35 years after inactive

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0271 | Supportive Living Client Placement Information Files (Computer Printout)

Description:  Placing, evaluating, and terminating clients through brief transitional living services.

Retention:  6 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0270 | Supportive Living Unit Subject Files

Description:  Administering the Supportive Living Programs.

Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0305 | Systems and Equipment Standardization and Control Files


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0299 | Telephone Toll Call Review Files


Retention:  3 months or until corrective action completed, whichever is longer

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0443 | Temperature, Pulse, and Respiration Files


Retention:  Retain until recorded in patient's medical record

Vital Record:  FALSE

1976-0306 | Token Economy Program Treatment and Unit Summary Statistical Files

Description:  Treating patients in the Token Economy Program to effect behavior changes.

Retention:  Institution Training Office: 35 years. Unit copy: Retain until patient is transferred from unit.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1972-0218 | USDA Food Distribution Files

Description:  Including worksheets which pertain to surplus commodities

Retention:  3 years after close of Federal Fiscal Year to which they pertain

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0152 | USDA Food Distribution Files


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0339 | Utilities Maintenance Files


Retention:  2 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0340 | Utilities Operating Log Files


Retention:  Destroy after disposition of related equipment/machinery

Vital Record:  FALSE

1982-0608 | Vending Facility Application and Permit File

Description:  Maintaining a record of Vending Facility Application and Permits.

Retention:  3 years after termination of operation of Vending Facility

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0117 | Vocational Rehabilitation Business Enterprises Bank Reconiliation Files (Canceled Checks, Bank State


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0119 | Vocational Rehabilitation Business Enterprises Check Register


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0126 | Vocational Rehabilitation Business Enterprises Earnings Record Files


Retention:  50 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0122 | Vocational Rehabilitation Business Enterprises General Ledger Files


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0118 | Vocational Rehabilitation Business Enterprises Paid Invoices and Cash Summaries


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0124 | Vocational Rehabilitation Business Enterprises Personnel Files


Retention:  45 years after retirement or termination of employee and resolution of all termination matters

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0120 | Vocational Rehabilitation Business Enterprises Vending Stand Ledger Files


Retention:  5 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0121 | Vocational Rehabilitation Business Enterprises Vending Stand Settlement Sheets


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0123 | Vocational Rehabilitation Business Enterprises Vendor Ledger Files


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1978-0125 | Vocational Rehabilitation Business Enterprises Weekly Stand Report Files


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0097 | Volunteer Services Active Sponsor Case Files


Retention:  15 years after termination of services

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0098 | Volunteer Services Donations Files


Retention:  Individual Inventory Sheets: 3 years. Listing of Gifts: Permanent.

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0093 | Volunteer Services Worker Active Case Files


Retention:  15 years after termination of services

Vital Record:  FALSE

1977-0094 | Volunteer Services Worker Index Card Files


Retention:  Retain for useful life

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0424 | War Activity Reporting File


Retention:  3 months

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0432 | Ward Control Card Files


Retention:  Retain until discharge or transfer of patient

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0505 | Work Measurement Reporting Files


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1973-0506 | Work Performance Evaluation Files


Retention:  3 years

Vital Record:  FALSE

1974-0446 | X-Ray Index Files


Retention:  Retain until destruction of x-ray files to which they pertain

Vital Record:  FALSE

Georgia Archives, 5800 Jonesboro Road, Morrow, GA  30260