Georgia Archives

University System of Georgia

State Agency Specific Retention Schedules

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Transportation, Department of

Total entries: 83   (Listed alphabetically by title)

0484-19-005 | Property Deed/Parcel Acquisition Files

Description:  Acquisition of Right of Way for highways relating to property owners. Records include deeds, easements, statements, certificates, Quitclaim deeds, appraisers reports, title certificates, negotiation record, receipt of brochure, option for ROW, ROW check request form, tax assessment, and miscellaneous correspondence.

Retention:  Permanent

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-30-002 | Purchase Weighing Ticket File

Description:  Documents relating to the weight of rock, sand, etc. received by a sector of the agency for repairs, construction, etc. and used for balancing and control purposes.

Retention:  7 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-10-002 | Registered and Certified Mail Receipt File

Description:  This series documents mailing transactions, which includes documents such as the paperwork to process this type of mail, receipts, books stamped by USPS to indicate as received, and green cards returned from USPS.

Retention:  1 year

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-05-002 | Rejected Contractor’s Bid Proposal File

Description:  Documents relating to rejecting bid proposals submitted by contractors for the construction of highway projects. Records type include expedite downloads files which include Schedule of Items, Unit Prices, DBE List, Federal or State Certifications and Bid (Guaranty Bond - 5%).

Retention:  7 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-15-001A, B, and C | Research Project File

Description:  Documents relating to transportation research. This series may include: Correspondence, Quarterly and Interim progress report and Implementation study.

Retention:  (484-15-001) Final Project Report & Implementation Study: Permanent; (0484-15-001B) Correspondence: Upon project termination date - 5 years; (0484-15-001C) Quarterly and Interim Progress Reports (Daily/Monthly activity reports): 2 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-19-002A and 0484-19-002B | Right of Way Plan File - Highways

Description:  Documents relating to the acquisition of rights-of way for highways.

Retention:  (0484-19-002A) Record Copy: Permanent. (0484-19-002B) Reference Copy: Retain for useful life

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-19-003 | Right of Way Plan File - Roads and Bridges

Description:  Documents relating to the planning and acquisition of rights of way for roads and bridges.

Retention:  Retain in office

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-19-004 | Right of Way Relocation Assistance File

Description:  Documents relating to the relocation of businesses, individuals, and personal property from rights of way acquired. Includes availability of relocation assistance letter, notice to vacate letter, claim for moving benefits, claim for replacement housing, supplemental appraisal housing report, inspection report, interview of occupants, relocation activities log, and payment documentation.

Retention:  10 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-19-006 | Right of Way Surplus Inventory, Disposal and Lease Files

Description:  This records series documents the current inventory of real property under the department's jurisdiction, Surplus Property Case Files, leases, sale documents, and contracts. These include correspondence, applications to purchase or lease rental property, internal request to dispose of real property, previous owner documentation of search records, valuation records, documentation of department ownership of real property, plans, maps, photos, Quit Claim deeds for real property sold by the Department, Order or resolution of the Commissioner, or Executive order authorizing the sale of real property etc.

Retention:  6 years after final payment or disposition of property

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-19-001A and 0484-19-001B | Rights of Way - Local Government Projects

Description:  Records related to certification and acquisition of local government projects.

Retention:  (0484-19-001A) Deeds: Permanent; (0484-19-001B) Other Records: 7 years.

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-22-001 | Road Inventory - Videos and Film

Description:  Documentation of road conditions as seen by a collection vehicle driving roads throughout the State in different years and consisting of State Routes, National Highway System, and Federal-aid eligible routes. Collations include cove, cross slope, grade, and pavement condition (IRI) data.

Retention:  7 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-06-001 | Roadway Project Files

Description:  Official copies of Project-related documents developed as part of the design of highways and bridges.

Retention:  20 years after project closeout

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-27-005 | Routine Maintenance General Operations Records

Description:  Reports and other information on the Wildflower Program, Worksite Safety Inspections, UST Petroleum Underground fuel storage tanks, tree trimming, shoulder clipping, shoulder building, sign replacement, and prison crew reports.

Retention:  3 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-21-006 | Safety Enhancement Review Report

Description:  Documents relating to the investigation of fatal accident sites on the state route system. Included are some non-fatal accidents and fatal accidents for railroad crossings on the state route system.

Retention:  10 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-03-001 | Southeastern Assoc. of State Highway & Transportation Officials (SASHTO) Planning Files

Description:  Documentation of all planning materials used to conduct the annual conference by the host state.

Retention:  14 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-03-002 | Southeastern Assoc. of State Highway & Transportation Officials (SASHTO) Proceedings Publication

Description:  Documentation of the proceedings of annual conference hosted by the DOT

Retention:  2 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-29-001 | Speed Zone Order Files

Description:  Documents establishing speed zones on state routes, county roads, and city streets. Records include: Radar speed study reports, speed zone survey field sheets, copies of official speed zone orders, and requests for erection of speed limit signs.

Retention:  Retain until superseded or rescinded

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-20-001 | State Property Accident Reports

Description:  Records documenting damage to agency owned property and the collection of compensation.

Retention:  3 years after the file has been closed

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-22-002 | State Route Folders

Description:  Orders of the Commissioner, Notices of Intent, Maintenance Resolutions, Final Distributions, Applications to (AASHTO) regarding changes affecting the US Route System, and other official documentation related to changes and designations to State Highway System.

Retention:  Permanent

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-05-003A and 0484-05-003C | Tabulation of Contractor’s Bids File

Description:  Documents relating to the tabulation of all responsive bidders for the construction or maintenance of a highway. Records type include the bid letting comparison form, bid letting history, low bid summary, and low bid analysis.

Retention:  (0484-05-003A) 10 years from the date of the last project finalized/closed out in that letting date; (0484-05-003B) Bid openings and tabulations after FHWA final payments of the project: 3 years

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-06-004 | Topographic Quadrangle Map File

Description:  Documents relating to highway surveys and location studies.

Retention:  Retain for useful life.

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-16-003 | Traffic Assignment and Link Data Files

Description:  Documents relating to the creation of a transportation plan for urban areas with a population in excess of 50,000. The records type include travel demand models, base year data, existing and committed systems, selected plans, and test alternatives.

Retention:  Retain in office

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-22-004 | Traffic Coverage Count File

Description:  Short term hourly traffic data and annual summary reports of count data for those same locations.

Retention:  Retain in office.

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-08-001 | Transportation Environmental Impact Statement File

Description:  Studies evaluating the environmental impact that road construction might have on the surrounding area.

Retention:  Permanent

Updated:  April 05, 2017

0484-08-002 | Transportation Location Public Hearing File

Description:  Records documenting public hearings held in advance of proposed road construction.

Retention:  3 years after final payment on the project

Updated:  April 05, 2017

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