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University System of Georgia

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Local Government Record Retention Schedules

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CATEGORY:  EDUCATION (06)   [ Total entries: 69 (showing 20 per page) ]

LG-06-046 | Accident Reports, Student or Visitor

Description:  These records document reports of accidents occurring on school grounds, in the school building, or off-campus while a student participates in a school activity. They contain identifying information about the student, a description of the accident, and actions taken.

Retention:  5 years

Updated:  April 27, 2023

LG-06-049A and LG-06-049B | Accreditation Records

Description:  This schedule includes records for preparing, applying, and re-applying for accreditation from an accreditation association, such as the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). Records include self-studies, accreditation review work papers, and certificates of accreditation.

Retention:  (LG-06-049R) Final report: Permanent; (LG-06-049B) All other records: Retain until next report is issued.

Updated:  April 27, 2023

LG-06-033 | After-School Program Daily Records

Description:  This series consists of non-financial school records documenting daily attendance and activities of the after-school program, such as attendance, late pick up, etc.

Retention:  2 years

Updated:  April 27, 2023

LG-06-014 | Attendance Records for Home-Schooled Students

Description:  This schedule contains records documenting the required hours of study for home-schooled students.

Retention:  Retain until student reaches age 18.

Updated:  April 27, 2023

LG-06-007A and LG-06-007B | AYP, School Choice and Permissive Transfers

Description:  This schedule records requests to transfer schools within a district through permissive transfers or school choice transfer programs.

Retention:  (LG-06-007A) Approved: Maintain in Student Record; (LG-06-003B) Denied: 3 years

Updated:  April 27, 2023

LG-06-017A and LG-06-017B | Busing Plans and Maps

Description:  This series includes overall plans designating which neighborhoods are served by each school in the system and showing bus routes used to transport students to and from school. During the latter part of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st, federal mandates were in place to aid in integrating schools. The mandates are no longer in place.

Retention:  (LG-06-017A) Plans and Maps: Permanent; (LG-06-017B) Records used to create plans and maps: 25 years

Updated:  April 27, 2023

LG-06-037 | Certificate of Noncompliance-Loss of Drivers License

Description:  Information provided by the local school system to the Department of Drivers' Services as notification that the individual is not qualified to hold a driver's license based on dropping out of school or lack of attendance.

Retention:  3 years

Updated:  April 27, 2023

LG-06-058A and LG-06-058B | Civil Rights Reports

Description:  Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) statistics are reported biannually to the US Department of Education. Schools are required to submit statistical data on race/ethnicity, sex, limited English proficiency, disability, total student enrollment, student proficiency, and educational programs designed to help disadvantaged students succeed. Previous civil rights reporting processes produced final reports.

Retention:  (LG-06-058A) Final Report: Permanent; (LG-06-058B) All other records: 3 years

Updated:  April 27, 2023

LG-06-001 | Class Rolls

Description:  This series includes lists of students in each class.

Retention:  3 years

Updated:  April 27, 2023

LG-06-044 | Completed and Graded Student Work

Description:  This series consists of assignments and tests that are not returned to students during the school year.

Retention:  Return to student or retain until end of school year.

Updated:  April 27, 2023

LG-06-015 | Declarations of Intent, Home School

Description:  This schedule contains notices by parents or guardians that a child will participate in a home study program.

Retention:  Retain for useful life.

Updated:  April 27, 2023

LG-06-025 | Department of Drivers’  Services Records

Description:  This series includes records required by the Department of Drivers' Services and includes, but is not limited to, information on classroom instruction and logs of time each student drives.

Retention:  3 years

Updated:  April 27, 2023

LG-06-061 | Dropout Reports

Description:  This schedule contains reports generated to document students who cease attending school.

Retention:  5 years

Updated:  April 27, 2023

LG-06-057 | Dual Enrollment

Description:  This schedule contains individual student files, including the original determination of eligibility.

Retention:  3 years and resolution of inconsistencies within a student's record

Updated:  April 27, 2023

LG-06-008 | Educational Department and Program Operational Records

Description:  This schedule contains documentation of the day-to-day operations of an educational department or program, such as English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), including correspondence and reports.

Retention:  5 years

Updated:  April 27, 2023

LG-06-038 | Emergency Contact Information

Description:  These records are of contact information for individuals who are notified in the event of student accident or illness.

Retention:  Retain until superseded or until student graduates or leaves district.

Updated:  April 27, 2023

LG-06-030 | Emergency Drills

Description:  This schedule contains documentation of all emergency drills held on school property, including on school buses.

Retention:  3 years

Updated:  April 27, 2023

LG-06-002 | Enrollment Records - Student Did Not Attend

Description:  This schedule contains records relating to students accepted for enrollment who did not attend school.

Retention:  1 year

Updated:  April 27, 2023

LG-06-040 | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Notice to Guardians

Description:  This schedule contains an annual FERPA notice signed by guardians acknowledging that they have received information on FERPA.

Retention:  1 year

Updated:  April 27, 2023

LG-06-066 | Federally-Affected Areas Membership Counts

Description:  This schedule contains reports of the number of students whose parents reside or are employed on federal property.

Retention:  5 years

Updated:  April 27, 2023

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